Sunshine Blogger Award

I was nominated by Beverley from her blog Becoming The Oil and The Wine for the Sunshine Blogger Award.

Thank you Beverley.

I was so surprised and full of joy when I saw my blog as Nominated for SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD by Beverley.

Berverley Blog has been a means for Spiritual growth and motivation. I have really discovered the true meaning of life with God.

Please visit her blog and show some love.

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

“The Blogosphere community holds several awards that bloggers use to nominate a blog in appreciation for its creative, inspiring, or motivational content.”

“The award also helps other bloggers receive recognition and free exposure for their blogs.”

Award’s Rules

There are some basic rules to follow if you decide to participate:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link their blog so everyone can visit.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  • Notify the nominees by commenting on their blog post.
  • List the rules and display the Award logo on your blog post.

Eleven questions from Berverley .

1. How old is your blog now?

My blog is about Two years old.

2. What do you enjoy most about blogging?

I enjoy writing about what promotes healthy living. Which can be What we eat, how we eat, where we eat and also Entertainment “which can be seen in my facebook group @Basic Knowledge and Jokes and Instagram Handle @franco_chuks “.

3. How important do you think Social Media is for the success of a blog?

So far, social media has really helped m ein creating awareness to the public about new blog posts. Through Facebook Page @Francochuksblog and Whatsapp @+2347062846874.

4. How would you define a successful blog? In other words, what do think a successful blog looks like?

A successful blog must first of all have good contents, Update frequently and interacts with other bloggers.

5. Describe your feelings when you received your first blogging award nomination.

Actually, this is my first blogging award nomination since about two years of my blogging experience. I really thank Berverley for finding me worthy of this award.

6. Have you ever thought about monetizing your blog ?


7. If so, what do you think is the best method of monetizing?

Affiliate marketing, Sponsored Adverts and Google Adsense.

8. What kind of post do you find easiest or most enjoyable to write?

Health related posts for healthy Tips.

9. What do you think is best, long or short posts?

I think short posts are best But long posts are also good if well articulated and Entertaining.

You may be surprised of my combination of long and short posts as the best. Of course, looking at my blog which is related to health. Sometimes my posts need to be a bit long, but I will always pay more attention on my articulations.

Therefore, I encourage everyone who is reading this to make your blog post short But if it will be long to make it interesting and well articulated.

10. Funny/Weird Question: What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

I tasted Crab once and had to spit it out.

11. What is your favourite way to unwind after a hectic day?

Reading posts from my blogging friends, Singing ,Music compositions and writing.

I chose to nominate eleven bloggers who have recently followed my blog in the last few months.

1. Sheree

2. Genesis Blog

3. Mandiya Joseph

4. Legend Parlor

5. The City Of Mercy

6. Harryson

7. Mycreationscreation

8. My Mysterious Blogger

9. Dr. Thomas C. Maples

10. Shirobanryu

11. Craig White.

These bloggers’ posts are encouraging and I am blessed by them.

Congratulations to the new nominees!

My questions to the nominees will remain the same as Berverley’s.

1. How old is your blog now?

2. What do you enjoy most about blogging?

3. How important do you think Social Media is for the success of a blog?

4. How would you define a successful blog? In other words, what do think a successful blog looks like?

5. Describe your feelings when you received your first blogging award nomination.

6. Have you ever thought about monetizing your blog ?

7. If so, what do you think is the best method of monetizing?

8. What kind of post do you find easiest or most enjoyable to write?

9. What do you think is best, long or short posts?

10. Funny/Weird Question: What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

11. What is your favourite way to unwind after a hectic day?

Thank you for reading and cogratulations to the new nominees.


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